Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer time family reunion

Rosanne and Steve hosted our family reunion on the weekend.We don't do this every year , every few, which makes the occasion even more special.
The weather co-operated , rain came in the morning but by noon the sun was shining.

Rosanne and Chris

Jason , Rosanne and the Matriarch of the family,Mom looking very good.
Sister Donna in her summer chapeau , her grandson Russell and granddaughter Victoria.

Carolyn, Amanda and Blake looking cool and summery.

Steve and Keith with a few beverages

Don Christopher, Nicole and Victoria
Steve at the barbie!Chef Extraordinaire!

What would a picnic be with out watermelon,
hamburgers and hot dogs,salads

and pies !

There were a few games of badminton and touch football by the younger set.. unfortunately did not get a photo.......of the winning side.
Was such a fun day , spending time reconnecting with everyone.... seeing all the nieces and nephews, how their children have grown , I can proudly say they are all nice well mannered kids; , second cousins catching up with each other ...... with all our busy lives it is great to take the time to spend one day together.

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