Oct 7, 03:51 PM
All I have to say is EAT IT MICROSOFT! Windows Mobile SUCKS lol :D :p
I love seeing the way things are going for Microsoft. It is like watching a giant passing out about to SLAM and hit the ground collapsed. Always too little too late! :rolleyes:
I hope my sarcasm meter is broken.
If it is not, comments like this are exactly what is wrong with this forum.
What does Microsoft has to do with topic?
I love seeing the way things are going for Microsoft. It is like watching a giant passing out about to SLAM and hit the ground collapsed. Always too little too late! :rolleyes:
I hope my sarcasm meter is broken.
If it is not, comments like this are exactly what is wrong with this forum.
What does Microsoft has to do with topic?
Mar 19, 01:27 AM
It's this kind of crap that's going to scare the record companies into demanding a higher price for songs sold online. They are at this time still sceptical about the whole online business as is. DVD Jon has proved his points, yes he is a good hacker and DRM is not bulletproof. But, I wish he would get it into his head that MOST people don't mind DRM on digital music if it is designed to be flexible enough so that it doesn't stand in the way of enjoyment.
If there is one upside to this it is that this gives Apple a chance to prove it's skills in plugging up these holes. And maybe, that could give some comfort to the record companies in the security of online music stores. This whole situation would not be so big if the record companies did not exist, but they do and for now everybody has to deal with them like it or not. Sort of like Republicans, but that's something else altogether.
If there is one upside to this it is that this gives Apple a chance to prove it's skills in plugging up these holes. And maybe, that could give some comfort to the record companies in the security of online music stores. This whole situation would not be so big if the record companies did not exist, but they do and for now everybody has to deal with them like it or not. Sort of like Republicans, but that's something else altogether.
Apr 28, 08:16 AM
Next year you will see iPhones and iPods counted too. I mean you need to do all you can to make it look good to shareholders.
Why not? After all, isn't an iPod Touch just a small iPad?
Why not? After all, isn't an iPod Touch just a small iPad?
Jul 12, 09:29 AM
Spooky - I predicted this. Me and everyone else except a couple naysayers. I only buy laptops though, so I'm not really the target market. But I think this will be on every graphic designers desk by Xmas. Go Apple and Intel!
Yup, I agree. companies need to expire their annual budget by Q4, so they're just lookin' for things to buy at that time. I saw it all the time at Xerox. The account rep's would scrape and scrounge for sales for the first 9 months, start getting easier sales in October and November [since it's Q4], and then they ould just sit back and wait for sales to come to them from customers that [i]had[/b] to buy things before the end of the year and spend their remaining allocated budget, otherwise their budget would get cut for the following year.
Maybe for Easter we'll get Adobe CS3 in a colorful egg or frilly basket. :rolleyes:
Adobe blows.:mad:
Yup, I agree. companies need to expire their annual budget by Q4, so they're just lookin' for things to buy at that time. I saw it all the time at Xerox. The account rep's would scrape and scrounge for sales for the first 9 months, start getting easier sales in October and November [since it's Q4], and then they ould just sit back and wait for sales to come to them from customers that [i]had[/b] to buy things before the end of the year and spend their remaining allocated budget, otherwise their budget would get cut for the following year.
Maybe for Easter we'll get Adobe CS3 in a colorful egg or frilly basket. :rolleyes:
Adobe blows.:mad:
Aug 29, 05:12 PM
It is disappointing to see Apple ranking so low in the overall guide. They are meant to be world leaders in design and marketing, they should also be world leaders in environmental innovation." said Kruszewska.
And this is something I gotta agree with. I don't believe that people in Greenpeace are sitting around doing nothing and just making things up, such as ranking corporations blindly with no research data at all. In my opinion realizing such issues doesn't make anything worse, just makes it possible for things to get even better. Sounds probably quite optimistic, yes, but gotta keep the spirits up. I also have bought all my Apple-stuff in the belief that they are somewhat more eco-friendly too. They make excellent computers, and soon to be even more perfect! :D
It is disappointing to see Apple ranking so low in the overall guide. They are meant to be world leaders in design and marketing, they should also be world leaders in environmental innovation." said Kruszewska.
And this is something I gotta agree with. I don't believe that people in Greenpeace are sitting around doing nothing and just making things up, such as ranking corporations blindly with no research data at all. In my opinion realizing such issues doesn't make anything worse, just makes it possible for things to get even better. Sounds probably quite optimistic, yes, but gotta keep the spirits up. I also have bought all my Apple-stuff in the belief that they are somewhat more eco-friendly too. They make excellent computers, and soon to be even more perfect! :D
May 3, 03:44 PM
Of course, I don't know of any Linux distribution that doesn't require root to install system wide software either. Kind of negates your point there...
I wasn't specific enough there. I was talking about how "Unix security" has been applied to the overall OS X permissions system, not just "Unix security" in the abstract. I'll cede the point that this does mean that "Unix security" in the abstract is no better than NT security, as I can not refute the claim that Linux distributions share the same problem (the need to run as "root" to do day-to-day computer administration). I would point out, though, that unless things have changed significantly, most window managers for Linux et al refuse to run as root, so you can't end up with a full-fledged graphical environment running as root.
You could do the same as far back as Windows NT 3.1 in 1993. The fact that most software vendors wrote their applications for the non-secure DOS based versions of Windows is moot, that is not a problem of the OS's security model, it is a problem of the Application. This is not "Unix security" being better, it's "Software vendors for Windows" being dumber.
Yes and no. You are looking at "Unix security" as a set of controls. I'm looking at it as a pragmatic system. As a system, Apple's OS X model allowed users to run as standard users and non-root Administrators while XP's model made non-Administrator access incredibly cumbersome.
You can blame that on Windows developers just being dumber, or you can blame it on Microsoft not sufficiently cracking the whip, or you can blame it on Microsoft not making the "right way" easy enough. Wherever the blame goes, the practical effect is that Windows users tended to run as Administrator and locking them down to Standard user accounts was a slap in the face and serious drain on productivity.
Actually, the Administrator account (much less a standard user in the Administrators group) is not a root level account at all.
Notice how a root account on Unix can do everything, just by virtue of its 0 uid. It can write/delete/read files from filesystems it does not even have permissions on. It can kill any system process, no matter the owner.
Administrator on Windows NT is far more limited. Don't ever break your ACLs or don't try to kill processes owned by "System". SysInternals provided tools that let you do it, but Microsoft did not.
Interesting. I do remember being able to do some pretty damaging things with Administrator access in Windows XP such as replacing shared DLLs, formatting the hard drive, replacing any executable in c:\windows, etc, which OS X would not let me do without typing in a password (GUI) or sudo'ing to root (command line).
But, I stand corrected. NT "Administrator" is not equivalent to "root" on Unix. But it's a whole lot more "trusted" (and hence all apps it runs are a lot more trusted) than the equivalent OS X "Administrator" account.
UAC is simply a gui front-end to the runas command. Heck, shift-right-click already had the "Run As" option. It's a glorified sudo. It uses RDP (since Vista, user sessions are really local RDP sessions) to prevent being able to "fake it", by showing up on the "console" session while the user's display resides on a RDP session.
Again, the components are all there, but while the pragmatic effect was that a user needed to right-click, select "Run as Administrator", then type in their password to run something ... well, that wasn't going to happen. Hence, users tended to have Administrator access accounts.
There, you did it, you made me go on a defensive rant for Microsoft. I hate you now.
Sorry! I know; it burns!
Why bother, you're not "getting it". The only reason the user is aware of MACDefender is because it runs a GUI based installer. If the executable had had 0 GUI code and just run stuff in the background, you would have never known until you couldn't find your files or some chinese guy was buying goods with your CC info, fished right out of your "Bank stuff.xls" file.
Well, unless you have more information on this than I do, I'm assuming that the .zip file was unarchived (into a sub-folder of ~/Downloads), a .dmg file with an "Internet Enabled" flag was found inside, then the user was prompted by the OS if they wanted to run this installer they downloaded, then the installer came up (keeping in mind that "installer" is a package structure potentially with some scripts, not a free-form executable, and that the only reason it came up was that the 'installer' app the OS has opened it up and recognized it). I believe the Installer also asks the user permission before running any of the preflight scripts.
Unless there is a bug here exposing a security hole, this could not be done without multiple user interactions. The "installer" only ran because it was a set of instructions for the built-in installer. The disk image was only opened because it was in the form Safari recognizes as an auto-open disk image. The first time "arbitrary code" could be run would be in the preflight script of the installer.
I wasn't specific enough there. I was talking about how "Unix security" has been applied to the overall OS X permissions system, not just "Unix security" in the abstract. I'll cede the point that this does mean that "Unix security" in the abstract is no better than NT security, as I can not refute the claim that Linux distributions share the same problem (the need to run as "root" to do day-to-day computer administration). I would point out, though, that unless things have changed significantly, most window managers for Linux et al refuse to run as root, so you can't end up with a full-fledged graphical environment running as root.
You could do the same as far back as Windows NT 3.1 in 1993. The fact that most software vendors wrote their applications for the non-secure DOS based versions of Windows is moot, that is not a problem of the OS's security model, it is a problem of the Application. This is not "Unix security" being better, it's "Software vendors for Windows" being dumber.
Yes and no. You are looking at "Unix security" as a set of controls. I'm looking at it as a pragmatic system. As a system, Apple's OS X model allowed users to run as standard users and non-root Administrators while XP's model made non-Administrator access incredibly cumbersome.
You can blame that on Windows developers just being dumber, or you can blame it on Microsoft not sufficiently cracking the whip, or you can blame it on Microsoft not making the "right way" easy enough. Wherever the blame goes, the practical effect is that Windows users tended to run as Administrator and locking them down to Standard user accounts was a slap in the face and serious drain on productivity.
Actually, the Administrator account (much less a standard user in the Administrators group) is not a root level account at all.
Notice how a root account on Unix can do everything, just by virtue of its 0 uid. It can write/delete/read files from filesystems it does not even have permissions on. It can kill any system process, no matter the owner.
Administrator on Windows NT is far more limited. Don't ever break your ACLs or don't try to kill processes owned by "System". SysInternals provided tools that let you do it, but Microsoft did not.
Interesting. I do remember being able to do some pretty damaging things with Administrator access in Windows XP such as replacing shared DLLs, formatting the hard drive, replacing any executable in c:\windows, etc, which OS X would not let me do without typing in a password (GUI) or sudo'ing to root (command line).
But, I stand corrected. NT "Administrator" is not equivalent to "root" on Unix. But it's a whole lot more "trusted" (and hence all apps it runs are a lot more trusted) than the equivalent OS X "Administrator" account.
UAC is simply a gui front-end to the runas command. Heck, shift-right-click already had the "Run As" option. It's a glorified sudo. It uses RDP (since Vista, user sessions are really local RDP sessions) to prevent being able to "fake it", by showing up on the "console" session while the user's display resides on a RDP session.
Again, the components are all there, but while the pragmatic effect was that a user needed to right-click, select "Run as Administrator", then type in their password to run something ... well, that wasn't going to happen. Hence, users tended to have Administrator access accounts.
There, you did it, you made me go on a defensive rant for Microsoft. I hate you now.
Sorry! I know; it burns!
Why bother, you're not "getting it". The only reason the user is aware of MACDefender is because it runs a GUI based installer. If the executable had had 0 GUI code and just run stuff in the background, you would have never known until you couldn't find your files or some chinese guy was buying goods with your CC info, fished right out of your "Bank stuff.xls" file.
Well, unless you have more information on this than I do, I'm assuming that the .zip file was unarchived (into a sub-folder of ~/Downloads), a .dmg file with an "Internet Enabled" flag was found inside, then the user was prompted by the OS if they wanted to run this installer they downloaded, then the installer came up (keeping in mind that "installer" is a package structure potentially with some scripts, not a free-form executable, and that the only reason it came up was that the 'installer' app the OS has opened it up and recognized it). I believe the Installer also asks the user permission before running any of the preflight scripts.
Unless there is a bug here exposing a security hole, this could not be done without multiple user interactions. The "installer" only ran because it was a set of instructions for the built-in installer. The disk image was only opened because it was in the form Safari recognizes as an auto-open disk image. The first time "arbitrary code" could be run would be in the preflight script of the installer.
Mar 18, 07:59 AM
I don't understand the ranting of why AT&T charges more to tether. Sprint and Verizon do it too? Just because your jailbreak method doesn't work anymore shouldn't make you mad. The system caught up to you. Yes it's stupid to pay for extra data but that's just how it is and people are still going to pay for it so complaining won't do anything.
I'm glad those people who are abusing the service and using 6+ gb of data so they can tether are finally getting the boot. It bogs down the network. Unlimited doesn't mean unlimited in the fine print either. It's the same on every network so don't blame AT&T.
I'm glad those people who are abusing the service and using 6+ gb of data so they can tether are finally getting the boot. It bogs down the network. Unlimited doesn't mean unlimited in the fine print either. It's the same on every network so don't blame AT&T.
Oct 7, 06:21 PM
Android should easily surpass the iPhone in market share, IMHO. So what?
It's an OS written to run on a multitude of hardware and is/will be heavily customised by both manufacturers and operators. Due to this I doubt it'll ever match the iPhone for quality, while in terms of market share it should clean up.
It's an OS written to run on a multitude of hardware and is/will be heavily customised by both manufacturers and operators. Due to this I doubt it'll ever match the iPhone for quality, while in terms of market share it should clean up.
Nov 3, 07:12 AM
Then show me the data that backs up your claim that the average consumer is archeiving HD broadcast recordings on their iMac.
I archive HD broadcast recordings on my Rev A mini Core Duo, both OTA ones via the Hybrid and ones via the FireWire connection on my cable box.
FWIW, it works just fine. I'd assume the main reason the average customer isn't doing this is a lack of an HD cable box or the lack of realization that a FW cable turns their Mac into a DVR.
There are numerous uses for 4,8,16,etc. cores... but HD recording doesn't even begin to stress the two in the mini.
I archive HD broadcast recordings on my Rev A mini Core Duo, both OTA ones via the Hybrid and ones via the FireWire connection on my cable box.
FWIW, it works just fine. I'd assume the main reason the average customer isn't doing this is a lack of an HD cable box or the lack of realization that a FW cable turns their Mac into a DVR.
There are numerous uses for 4,8,16,etc. cores... but HD recording doesn't even begin to stress the two in the mini.
Apr 15, 10:32 AM
I am disgusted by some of the small minded stupidity being displayed here.
For those who would attack an anti-bullying campaign which focuses only on the problem of homophobic bullying; would you also attack a charity which focuses on cancer victims because it fails to help victims of stroke?
Also, being gay is not the same as being fat. Do a quick search for pages that include words like 'homosexual' and 'lifestyle'. How many pages do you find where organised groups, usually faith groups, compile lists of so called 'facts' which attempt to demonise gay people? Do faith groups tell fat people they will go to hell? Does a child risk being disowned by his family if he comes out as fat?
I see people use words like 'counterculture' and 'lifestyle choice' when discussing being gay. I had to check that it was 2011 and not the 1940s. No one chooses to be gay anymore than someone chooses to be straight. As far as 'counterculture' is concerned, how exactly is being born gay countercultural? These people didn't join a movement. They were born that way and found that many parts of society would not accept them.
No one has ever been murdered for being fat or being spotty or having lank hair but kids have been killed for being gay. In many countries they are arrested and in some they are hanged. Do people hang computer geeks? Has anyone ever been arrested for being in the debating team?
Gay kids face specific challenges not only in being accepted by others but in accepting themselves. Put away the hate.
For those who would attack an anti-bullying campaign which focuses only on the problem of homophobic bullying; would you also attack a charity which focuses on cancer victims because it fails to help victims of stroke?
Also, being gay is not the same as being fat. Do a quick search for pages that include words like 'homosexual' and 'lifestyle'. How many pages do you find where organised groups, usually faith groups, compile lists of so called 'facts' which attempt to demonise gay people? Do faith groups tell fat people they will go to hell? Does a child risk being disowned by his family if he comes out as fat?
I see people use words like 'counterculture' and 'lifestyle choice' when discussing being gay. I had to check that it was 2011 and not the 1940s. No one chooses to be gay anymore than someone chooses to be straight. As far as 'counterculture' is concerned, how exactly is being born gay countercultural? These people didn't join a movement. They were born that way and found that many parts of society would not accept them.
No one has ever been murdered for being fat or being spotty or having lank hair but kids have been killed for being gay. In many countries they are arrested and in some they are hanged. Do people hang computer geeks? Has anyone ever been arrested for being in the debating team?
Gay kids face specific challenges not only in being accepted by others but in accepting themselves. Put away the hate.

Mar 15, 08:20 PM
If they really can afford to take them off the grid, then why are they running? Perhaps they are sewlling the enegry to other countries and don't want to lose the revenue? Or maybe the German government is unwilling to remove a domestic power-producing option in favor of fuels they have to import from elsewhere?
An intersting situation.
germany is an electricity exporting country so they were "makin' teh moneys" ;)
some now other infos i have gathered: 2 of those power plants which 'had been shut down' actually have been powered down since more than half a year anyway (as initially planed in the 2002 nuclear law compromise contract) but haven't been started up for the CDU/FDP coaltion plan to prolong their use
2 reactors are already confirmed by the local governments as being shut of for good (Isar1,Neckarwestheim I) and the chances for Brunsb�ttel and Biblis ,which haven't exactly spotless records, are more or less considered also to be 0% unless a miracle happens
Baden-W�rttembergs ministers Stefan Mappus seems to have been moved rather personally: last year he was one of the main supporters of prolonging the running times of the reactors and lobbying for more nuclear power: now he already took one plant off for good and during the speech in the local goverment of BW he showed to be obviously rather moved talking about "many strong personal beliefs shaken" "the question of responsibility of nuclear power ... even for me personally" etc.
it might very well be that this event could be the final nail in the coffin for nuclear power in the CDU. A majority party simply can't support a position which 80+% of all german voters oppose.
edit: a note to add: in germany similar to other countries the local governments of the 'states' are responsible for allowing power suppliers to operate nuclear plants...
in the 2002 nuclear law building new commercial nuclear power plants was forbidden by law ... not that after 1986 building a new plant turned incredible difficult/next to impossible anyway
An intersting situation.
germany is an electricity exporting country so they were "makin' teh moneys" ;)
some now other infos i have gathered: 2 of those power plants which 'had been shut down' actually have been powered down since more than half a year anyway (as initially planed in the 2002 nuclear law compromise contract) but haven't been started up for the CDU/FDP coaltion plan to prolong their use
2 reactors are already confirmed by the local governments as being shut of for good (Isar1,Neckarwestheim I) and the chances for Brunsb�ttel and Biblis ,which haven't exactly spotless records, are more or less considered also to be 0% unless a miracle happens
Baden-W�rttembergs ministers Stefan Mappus seems to have been moved rather personally: last year he was one of the main supporters of prolonging the running times of the reactors and lobbying for more nuclear power: now he already took one plant off for good and during the speech in the local goverment of BW he showed to be obviously rather moved talking about "many strong personal beliefs shaken" "the question of responsibility of nuclear power ... even for me personally" etc.
it might very well be that this event could be the final nail in the coffin for nuclear power in the CDU. A majority party simply can't support a position which 80+% of all german voters oppose.
edit: a note to add: in germany similar to other countries the local governments of the 'states' are responsible for allowing power suppliers to operate nuclear plants...
in the 2002 nuclear law building new commercial nuclear power plants was forbidden by law ... not that after 1986 building a new plant turned incredible difficult/next to impossible anyway
Oct 26, 12:04 PM
Run an RGB to CMYK conversion on a 1 Gig Photoshop file with embedded profiles -- watch activity monitor. See that all four processors kick in for this processes. Many Photoshop processes efficiently use all four processors.
Just wanted to note...
It is easy to confuse a single thread bouncing among available cores as it gets scheduled (which happens easily on Mac OS X) and multiple threads executing in parallel on multiple cores if you look at per CPU utilization graphs because of sampling artifacts.
In top you want to look at "CPU usage" or in activity monitor look at "% Idle". If idle CPU usage is close to zero then you are truly utilizing the cores in your system which often implies that the application you are using is spreading the work across the available cores. In a four core system if idle CPU is around 75% (usually several percentage points under that because of system related threads supporting the application) then the application is really only using a single core (single threaded). In a four core system if idle CPU is around 50% then the application is really only using two cores (two threads). etc.
You can also look at load average in top. If the load average is around 1 then the work load on the system is on average only utilizing one core. If the load average is around 2, then on average two cores are being utilized. etc. If the load average is greater then the number of cores in the system then the work load is greater then what the cores in the system can run concurrently.
Note load average (and CPU %) will be depressed if the work load is IO bound and not CPU bound... so an application could be attempting to utilize multiple cores (use multiple threads) but IO bandwidth, etc. is starving those threads of the data they need and hence preventing them from executing.
The best way to know that an application is utilizing multiple threads for a task is to use tools like sample and Shark.
Just wanted to note...
It is easy to confuse a single thread bouncing among available cores as it gets scheduled (which happens easily on Mac OS X) and multiple threads executing in parallel on multiple cores if you look at per CPU utilization graphs because of sampling artifacts.
In top you want to look at "CPU usage" or in activity monitor look at "% Idle". If idle CPU usage is close to zero then you are truly utilizing the cores in your system which often implies that the application you are using is spreading the work across the available cores. In a four core system if idle CPU is around 75% (usually several percentage points under that because of system related threads supporting the application) then the application is really only using a single core (single threaded). In a four core system if idle CPU is around 50% then the application is really only using two cores (two threads). etc.
You can also look at load average in top. If the load average is around 1 then the work load on the system is on average only utilizing one core. If the load average is around 2, then on average two cores are being utilized. etc. If the load average is greater then the number of cores in the system then the work load is greater then what the cores in the system can run concurrently.
Note load average (and CPU %) will be depressed if the work load is IO bound and not CPU bound... so an application could be attempting to utilize multiple cores (use multiple threads) but IO bandwidth, etc. is starving those threads of the data they need and hence preventing them from executing.
The best way to know that an application is utilizing multiple threads for a task is to use tools like sample and Shark.

Oct 26, 12:26 PM
The move to intel shifts Apple paradigm for good. Expect your Apple computers and gadgets to be absolete much2 sooner
The computers will not become obsolete much2 sooner but your bragging rights will.
The computers will not become obsolete much2 sooner but your bragging rights will.
Mar 13, 06:33 PM
We will take your depleted uranium, and use it in our reactors. :D
But the U.S. is using this material to coat their artillery shells, the better to penetrate the Bad Guy's tanks and fortifications. :rolleyes:
But the U.S. is using this material to coat their artillery shells, the better to penetrate the Bad Guy's tanks and fortifications. :rolleyes:
Aug 29, 10:54 PM
This is where I agree with you. I don't call myself a tree hugger. Sure, I love the earth and planet but sometimes people take it too far.
Sure, go and destroy this planet - you know, the thing that sustains life for you.
Hell, some people take things too far.... the entity that supports life... yea.....
Sure, go and destroy this planet - you know, the thing that sustains life for you.
Hell, some people take things too far.... the entity that supports life... yea.....
Apr 15, 10:25 AM
Absolutely ridiculous. Fat kids DO commit suicide, by the way. A lot of kids do. But these days it doesn't get in the news because it isn't sexy.
Don't forget folks, being obese is a crime in half the world and punishable by death in a quarter of that world.
Remember, too, that obesity was illegal in several US states up until a generation ago.
And recount the number of openly obese individuals who were assassinated in broad daylight just because of the way their biological dice had landed.
Let's not just target bullying against those with obesity problems. After all, that means we are deliberately ignoring other types of bullying, and that just isn't sexy.
Don't forget folks, being obese is a crime in half the world and punishable by death in a quarter of that world.
Remember, too, that obesity was illegal in several US states up until a generation ago.
And recount the number of openly obese individuals who were assassinated in broad daylight just because of the way their biological dice had landed.
Let's not just target bullying against those with obesity problems. After all, that means we are deliberately ignoring other types of bullying, and that just isn't sexy.
Jul 13, 06:10 AM
I've been wondering about this too. Surely they have the source code (or most of it) written in a high level language, right? If I'm not totally mistaken, there shouldn't be that much more work involved than a re-compilation for x86. Even if some filters or other stuff are hand coded in assembler, they already have that code in x86-assembler in the Windows version.Adobe made a strategic decision to go Universal with the CS3 Suite next year and meanwhile not to divert work to Universalize the CS2 Suite. If you need Adobe stuff all the time, just get a G5 Quad and you will be happy as a clam. It's still going to be the second fastest Mac after Mac Pros are out. :)
Bill McEnaney
Mar 27, 09:17 PM
The goal of any ethical psychological treatment is only to treat the conflict that causes pain. The patient is considered healthy when his thoughts and behaviors do not interfere with his ability to lead a fulfilling life, not when he changes his thoughts and behaviors to ones endorsed by the therapist. Anything else is abuse of the patient and psychological malpractice.
But what if changed thoughts and changed behaviors would make people even happier than than they would be without the changes?
To tell someone who is in conflict over his sexual orientation that he must change it to be well is no different than telling an anorexic to lose more weight so she doesn't feel so fat. It is indulging the conflict to produce conforming behavior rather than treating the conflict to produce a healthy patient.
Not even Nicolosi tells his clients that they need to change their sexual orientation. He says that NARTH is for people who want to change it. In a video I posted to this discussion, he says that therapy doesn't work well for clients who tell him they want to change because the Bible teaches that they shouldn't have homosexual sex. You may already have read my post about Fr. John Harvey's apostolate to people who feel same-sex attraction. Again, that organization doesn't try to change anyone's sexual orientation.
But what if changed thoughts and changed behaviors would make people even happier than than they would be without the changes?
To tell someone who is in conflict over his sexual orientation that he must change it to be well is no different than telling an anorexic to lose more weight so she doesn't feel so fat. It is indulging the conflict to produce conforming behavior rather than treating the conflict to produce a healthy patient.
Not even Nicolosi tells his clients that they need to change their sexual orientation. He says that NARTH is for people who want to change it. In a video I posted to this discussion, he says that therapy doesn't work well for clients who tell him they want to change because the Bible teaches that they shouldn't have homosexual sex. You may already have read my post about Fr. John Harvey's apostolate to people who feel same-sex attraction. Again, that organization doesn't try to change anyone's sexual orientation.

Apr 22, 09:11 PM
someone hasn't posted in that thread for 5 months ... why would people all of a sudden want to revive it ... today we have this one.
I would be willing to bet that if given time this thread will be a carbon copy of that one.
That thread should be stickied, because I can't really think of any issue(relevant to this topic) we didn't cover in it.
I would be willing to bet that if given time this thread will be a carbon copy of that one.
That thread should be stickied, because I can't really think of any issue(relevant to this topic) we didn't cover in it.
Apr 21, 09:50 AM
1. Android phones beat the iPhone to the punch. FACT.
2. Android ALSO helps the needs of those who do not afford to buy an iPhone but need a smartphone. FACT.
3. Android manufacturers are making more money than ever. [Samsung, HTC are a proof] FACT.
4. Android has been a blatant rip off of the iPhone from day 1 OR day -1. FACT.
5. Android provides a very fragmented experience compared to the integrated experience on iOS. FACT.
6. Android is devoid of any viable OR any ecosystem. FACT.
7. Apple makes more profit through the iPhone than all of the competitors combined. FACT.
8. iOS with iTunes, Mac OS X, AppleTV and cloud services provides the best ecosystem available. Arguable. BUT FACT.
9. Apple DOES care about the marketshare; Apple DOES care about the money; APPLE does care about the user experience. FACT.
10. Android fanboys are comparitively bitter and are very rude to the fellow commentors and especially Apple and Steve Jobs. FACT.
That's all I could come up with.
You forgot
1. Battlestar Galactica (remake) is the best sci fi show of all time (FACT)
2. Toaster Strudels are better than Pop Tarts (FACT)
3. Kennedy was shot by multiple gunman (FACT)
4. Brian Tong from CNET is worthless (FACT)
5. SC2 is the best competitive RTS (FACT)
6. Green is the new pink (FACT)
7. Lady Ga Ga was NOT born that way (FACT)
8. Republicans are heartless (FACT)
9. Democrats promise everything and never deliver (FACT)
10. OJ did it (FACT)
2. Android ALSO helps the needs of those who do not afford to buy an iPhone but need a smartphone. FACT.
3. Android manufacturers are making more money than ever. [Samsung, HTC are a proof] FACT.
4. Android has been a blatant rip off of the iPhone from day 1 OR day -1. FACT.
5. Android provides a very fragmented experience compared to the integrated experience on iOS. FACT.
6. Android is devoid of any viable OR any ecosystem. FACT.
7. Apple makes more profit through the iPhone than all of the competitors combined. FACT.
8. iOS with iTunes, Mac OS X, AppleTV and cloud services provides the best ecosystem available. Arguable. BUT FACT.
9. Apple DOES care about the marketshare; Apple DOES care about the money; APPLE does care about the user experience. FACT.
10. Android fanboys are comparitively bitter and are very rude to the fellow commentors and especially Apple and Steve Jobs. FACT.
That's all I could come up with.
You forgot
1. Battlestar Galactica (remake) is the best sci fi show of all time (FACT)
2. Toaster Strudels are better than Pop Tarts (FACT)
3. Kennedy was shot by multiple gunman (FACT)
4. Brian Tong from CNET is worthless (FACT)
5. SC2 is the best competitive RTS (FACT)
6. Green is the new pink (FACT)
7. Lady Ga Ga was NOT born that way (FACT)
8. Republicans are heartless (FACT)
9. Democrats promise everything and never deliver (FACT)
10. OJ did it (FACT)
Mar 13, 10:19 AM
Well, this is still playing out.
a japanese meterology institute estimates the chances of 7.0+ earthquake within the next 3 days at 70% so we will see how well they hold up
(even in europe some nuclear power plants are build rather close to minor seismic fault lines: for example in switzerland and germany)
a japanese meterology institute estimates the chances of 7.0+ earthquake within the next 3 days at 70% so we will see how well they hold up
(even in europe some nuclear power plants are build rather close to minor seismic fault lines: for example in switzerland and germany)
Oct 7, 04:04 PM
Of course Android might surpass the iPhone. The iPhone is limited to 1 device whereas the Android is spanned over many more devices and will continue to branch out.
Apr 23, 12:46 PM
Blue..... Thank you for the taking the time to share those tips.....
Oct 13, 06:55 PM
Thank you very much for that tip and link. You saved me all but $11 in sales tax. So it was like getting the $1444 deal without tax. $1349 plus tax. I pulled the trigger this morning and hope to receive it next week.Looking forward to maximum desktop in one screen. Long story is I ordered the 24" about 6 weeks ago then realized I wanted the 30" when it went on sale for like $1600 + tax so canceled the next day. But Dell screwed up my credit for 6 weeks so I couldn't even order the 30 until today and you came up with the coupon just in the nick of time to save me even more than I expected to save - like another $250. Total bill came to only $1468.32. Amazing luck for me.
Glad I can help out. I've become addicted to Craigslist--where I bought my 2GHZ MBP with 2gb ram and 100gb HD for $1250, and where I find just about everything else. is good, but the members at Fatwallet are HARDCORE savers. Definitely worth checking out.
I went ahead and ordered a 24" LCD from Dell and it will be here Monday. If figure I can work with that and MBP until either the Mac Pros get a nice bump or Adobe releases CS3 UB.
Have a good weekend all.
Glad I can help out. I've become addicted to Craigslist--where I bought my 2GHZ MBP with 2gb ram and 100gb HD for $1250, and where I find just about everything else. is good, but the members at Fatwallet are HARDCORE savers. Definitely worth checking out.
I went ahead and ordered a 24" LCD from Dell and it will be here Monday. If figure I can work with that and MBP until either the Mac Pros get a nice bump or Adobe releases CS3 UB.
Have a good weekend all.
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