Monday, May 16, 2011

japan flag earthquake

japan flag earthquake. Pictures Japanese flag is seen
  • Pictures Japanese flag is seen

  • britishempire
    Aug 3, 02:27 PM
    If there's going to be a preview release at WWDC, does that not mean that we could seeing a full release very soon? As in, later this year?

    japan flag earthquake. crisis in Japan following
  • crisis in Japan following

  • kcmac
    Aug 3, 12:06 PM
    People keep mentioning this.. does anyone have a link to the add that specifically challenges hackers?
    Do you ever watch TV? Seen the latest I'm a Mac, I'm a PC Ads?

    japan flag earthquake. Description: Japan Heart Flag
  • Description: Japan Heart Flag

  • Unspeaked
    Nov 28, 10:37 AM
    They should use the new LOVE mix of Tomorrow Never Knows with Within You Without You. The drumming is so cool and it would attract so much attention since although so many have heard the two separate songs, hearing the Mashup of the two is quite stunning and very modern. You should check it out if you have not yet. Amazing sound. Especially in 5.1

    I'll totally check that out - but is it something you can download on iTunes?

    It'd be a little weird to use a song in an iTunes commercial that can't be purchased there!

    japan flag earthquake. A Japan flag made by people is
  • A Japan flag made by people is

  • fcortese
    Mar 14, 07:07 PM
    Haven't joined in the POTD for a while - mostly because I'm still playing with my new strobes. But here's a little camera porn for today, courtesy of those same new strobes - and one of the many relics in my camera closet.

    PS ... I still LOVE that camera.

    Very sexy!!:D

    japan flag earthquake. NHK, Japan#39;s public
  • NHK, Japan#39;s public

  • vitaboy
    Oct 16, 04:29 PM
    The thing is, it still is suboptimal on the current generation. I believe Apple just added it as just another feature while music is the main priority of the player.

    And vitaboy, I couldn't agree more, well written, excellent post.

    First of all, thanks to milo for finding a transcript of that forum where Steve Jobs related his thoughts about a video iPod. My own recollection, it appears, was a bit cloudy. :p

    That being said, what QuarterSwede said. Jobs never said, "Never" to the video iPod. He talked instead about limitations, how video on a portable device would never replicate watching video on a 50 inch screen. Video on an iPod would be "suboptimal" but again, he never said it would be something Apple would never do.

    Instead, he was really trying to lower people's expectations about video on the iPod. We know now that Apple already had a video iPod in the labs, with the same 4:3 screen ratio and 320x240 resolution. People back then (as today) were talking about widescreen iPods that somehow would be like portable DVD players, with monstrous screens and such. So it seems that Steve knew that a video iPod would still be a while off in terms of a commercial launch, but needed to lower people's expectations. His talk was simply about the pros-and-cons of doing video on an iPod, not a statement that a video ipod was totally out of the possibility.

    Notice again his comments about wireless. Steve again couches his comments with talk of pros-and-cons. He is realistic about what wireless will do, but it's also clear he isn't ready to release a wireless iPod just for the sake of wireless. Problems like battery life have to be solved first, i.e. all the pieces have to first fall in place before Apple launches the product.

    It just reiterates the point I made before - when a wireless iPod sees the light of day, my guess is that there will be a flood of articles with the phrase "wireless done right."

    japan flag earthquake. sports a Japanese flag and
  • sports a Japanese flag and

  • Natsus
    Sep 13, 08:05 AM
    The link does not say Apple will be using OLEDs in the next gens. It is RUMORED.The new Nano tech specs clearly say nothing about OLED. Since OLED has become a hot topic, I'm sure Steve Jobs or the specs would have called that to our attention.

    True, but at the same time there two things to consider. A lot better battery life and brighter screen. Those are the two positives of having OLEDs in the first place. True it might just be a rumor, but I guess we'll find out when we get these new ipods. (OLEDS can do pure black)

    japan flag earthquake. Japan Japan Flag - Japan
  • Japan Japan Flag - Japan

  • simontarr
    Sep 12, 03:30 PM
    Grrrr my iTunes 7 keeps crashing :mad:

    japan flag earthquake. front of the Japanese flag
  • front of the Japanese flag

  • brepublican
    Jul 23, 02:06 PM
    So does this mean brand spanking new eBook capable iPods, with built in WiFi, Bluetooth, Toaster & George Foreman next Tuesday??/

    japan flag earthquake. Description: Japanese flag
  • Description: Japanese flag

  • stuBCN75
    Sep 12, 03:04 PM
    Anyone get the new 'Search' on their 5G ? I have updated iTunes and done the iPod update. Its probably not even a feature I will use much but it's a shame it's not included in the update.

    Any luck with the games on a current 5G ? Would be quite nice to have PacMan

    japan flag earthquake. of the Japanese earthquake
  • of the Japanese earthquake

  • Benjy91
    Oct 17, 05:01 PM

    Mike-Romeo Team, Form up ^^

    japan flag earthquake. Japanese Flag - Seven
  • Japanese Flag - Seven

  • azentropy
    Apr 14, 01:04 PM
    Please. A Macbook costs about $1,000. There will be people who deliberately go for something cheaper, but the majority of people can _afford_ it. The "similarly performing system" to the mini tower is the iMac for $1199. And people who are poor but clever know that in the long term, quality is cheaper - usually the best thing to buy is the cheapest of the best, which would be for example the MacBook. It will still be running fine when you bought the second replacement for a cheaper laptop.

    That $1199 iMac has lots of other wonderful features including a screen, but if you think it is anywhere close to the performance of a i7-2600 based PC (that go for $750 from HP/Dell) then you are delusional. To get something from Apple with an equivalent processor you are looking at a $2199 iMac or a $2499 Mac Pro. Doesn't matter that in the long term the Mac could be a better value, some people can't justify that huge price difference or paying additional for features they don't need or want or cannot afford to.

    Again Macs are a premium product and because of that Apple will hit a ceiling of those who can afford or justify buying their products.

    japan flag earthquake. of the Japanese earthquake
  • of the Japanese earthquake

  • Michael Belisle
    Nov 12, 03:22 PM
    Unfortunately, I don't think the silent majority of drones who use the facebook app care about the approval process. All that matters to them is that they get their facebook.

    So let's say facebook were to pull the app in protest, or development stalls indefinitely. Who'd get blamed by the population as a whole? Facebook or Apple?

    japan flag earthquake. Description: Japan Heart Flag
  • Description: Japan Heart Flag

  • swedeykx
    Aug 7, 10:48 PM
    Something tells me that core animation is going to be iPhoto for multi-touch. It reminds me a lot of the NYU video demo of multi touch interaction experiment photo editing tool. It would not surprise me at all if some feature use this soon.

    my 2 cents.

    his is pure speculation so dont read anything into it. I am just making a correlation between the look of the two softwares.

    japan flag earthquake. Japan Earthquake Pictures amp;
  • Japan Earthquake Pictures amp;

  • danielwsmithee
    Mar 21, 03:43 PM
    A Phat iPod Touch sounds like a great product to me. Integrate an iPad touch with limited flash storage and a iPad Hard Drive. Call it the Phat iPod Touch..:eek:

    japan flag earthquake. Japan Flag Zoom
  • Japan Flag Zoom

  • ozzyman500
    Mar 25, 04:03 PM
    Wow that was fast. Hopefully they fixed that damn iPod app issue.

    japan flag earthquake. The band rallies for Japan,
  • The band rallies for Japan,

  • dime21
    Mar 29, 02:30 PM
    Bush was pretty easy to be anti- towards. I personally object to dangerously irresponsible fools who start conflicts.
    Yep, poor ole' Saddam, just an innocent bystander. :rolleyes:

    japan flag earthquake. Tohoku Japan Earthquake
  • Tohoku Japan Earthquake

  • Cakester
    May 4, 09:45 PM
    This would be the worst thing ever.

    japan flag earthquake. the Japanese flag during
  • the Japanese flag during

  • Digital Skunk
    Apr 12, 09:14 AM
    All good points. Let's leave it as different people in different circumstances. For the record, it's not right for anyone to pirate software. However, there are some people, in some situations, that feel that doing the right thing at the time isn't always the best thing. Definitely no hard feelings - just discussion.

    Good discussion I might add. I agree that everyone is going to do what they feel at times. I also see that many of the older generation may have adopted this self-entitlement that the younger generation has.

    If one can't afford something, you just won't have it, or have to get it through other means. If those means are illegal, then one will have to deal with the consequences of his/her actions.

    japan flag earthquake. What Does Japan#39;s Quake Mean
  • What Does Japan#39;s Quake Mean

  • DavidLeblond
    Sep 6, 09:06 AM
    I can't decide whether I want the 17" or the 20". What do you all suggest? :D

    24" ;)

    Mar 8, 06:23 AM
    One of the Mac screen savers will do mosaics of photos from a folder... it's kind of cool to watch them zoom out into a mosaic, but can get hypnotic... ;)

    Mine for today... from last summer's archives, since I've been somewhat dormant the last couple of weeks or so... (
    D300, 17-55f/2.8 @ 55mm, f/3.5, 1/640, ISO200

    El Georgino
    Mar 25, 05:04 PM
    How long is it taking for y'alls ipads to update? The bar on the ipad has been stuck very close to the end for the past hour?! This is my second attempt to update to 4.3.1 and still gets stuck at the same spot?!! I would let it go but my ipad restored completely and is now making me update to the new ios. Weird?

    Jan 11, 05:07 PM
    I'm sorry to tell this. It's strange to read 'There's something in the air' after just finishing reading an article about the biggest carpet bombing operation since 2003.
    1) But I'd like to have my poor Airport Express updated for sound while watching movies.
    2) And the poor iPod HIFI should be an iPod WIFI.
    2) Wireless Blu-ray for the MacBook Nano.
    3) iPhone 2 as a high speed internet hub when using the MacBook on the road.
    4) A solution to get rid of all the cables?

    Oct 18, 05:50 PM
    I'm starting to actually like Halo multiplayer, I am still terrible at it but its growing on me. I think its mainly becuase its not Modern Warefare 2 so I'll just have to see if its got the staying power for me.

    Apr 28, 11:24 AM
    Scary stuff, kavika. Keep a firm hold of the ground.

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