Monday, July 25, 2011

“The Jace Hall Show” Hops On The Bus

I used to ride the bus almost exclusively during my days living in Chicago. When I wasn’t busy fending off homeless people looking to “ask me a question” I spent the majority of my time bored, staring out the window wondering if it could possibly get any colder (the eventual answer was “yes”).

Current passengers on the Los Angeles public transit system don’t have the “cold” problem, but boredom i.e. a lack of anything interesting to engage in, certainly is an issue.

Enter the Jace Hall Show…

From Hulu to IGN, Metacafe to Machinima the Jace Hall Show has appeared on almost every major online destination that you could imagine. But now, it’s going where no video game series has gone before.

The Bus…via Transit TV.

What is Transit TV, you say? Well, it happens to be the largest out-of-home digital network that provides information and entertainment to transit riders in North America. And it’s now carrying episodes of the Jace Hall Show.

That’s right, the same episodes that included Steed, Felicia Day, and Stan Lee are now airing on your local Public Transit (this includes just Los Angeles, for now).

You might just miss your stop…

But why Transit TV? Jace Hall Show producer, Todd Roy says:

Media is spilling out into different forms–be it on the Internet, streaming TV’s, or public transit. The interstitial nature of the Jace Hall show was a perfect fit for what Transit TV’s programming needs were, which is why it made sense to be on there. It’s a straight forward monetization model, we know who the audience is and it’s an ad-based system.

Perhaps what’s most alarming is how big that audience is. According to Transit TV’s public site:

The weekly reach of their programming is over 1.3 million people, with nearly half of those being18-34.

Metro Bus is the second largest bus system in North America with over 2,000 vehicles and 4,300 screens. That’s essentially 4300 TV’s on wheels…

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