Monday, September 6, 2010

So sweet!

Thank you so much to Audrey at Cute and Some! She has some wonderful projects posted and always writes the kindest comments to me.

Three things about me...

!. I'm addicted to my Blogger dashboard. I just love seeing everyone's creations.

2. I carry my Gypsy in my purse.

3. I'm really new to stamping and still not sure how to go about it.

I would like to pass this award on to :

Everyone! If you are reading these words please feel free to post this award on your blog! I truly am amazed at the creativity in the papercraft/Cricut blog land.

With this award I am supposed to do 3 things -

1. Thank the one who sent it. check

2. List 3 things about me. check

3. Share a favorite photo. I chose this photo because school starts tomorrow for my kids and I kinda wish we could go back to this moment 2 months ago.

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