Here are some of the plants I am enjoying.
Fragrant Treasure Daylily, this is the second year and it is loaded with buds and flowers.
Elsa Spath clematis
Hydrangea was supposed to be blue this one is more mauve but still lovely.
This is an unnamed daylily , given from the garden club , seems like a spider type with pretty green yellow throat with wine outer petals. Still deciding if I like it.
Dark knight buddleia is just starting to flower, rather early this summer , it had lots of flowers yet to come.
My shade planter is gorgeous , this is planted with one mint mocha coleus and one dragon wing begonia the coleus is extremely healthy.
Even the pansies are still putting on a good show.
2 varieties of sunflowers yet to come , Kong and Russian.
I have 5 tomato plants, 2 Beefsteak ,2 Glamour and 1 sweet million , lot of flowers on these plants and even some tomatoes already .
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